Building Rust Protos
Describes using Blaze to build Rust protos.
The process of building a Rust library for a Protobuf definition is similar to other programming languages:
Use the language-agnostic
rule:proto_library( name = "person_proto", srcs = ["person.proto"], )
Create a Rust library:
load("//third_party/protobuf/rust:defs.bzl", "rust_proto_library") proto_library( name = "person_proto", srcs = ["person.proto"], ) rust_proto_library( name = "person_rust_proto", deps = [":person_proto"], )
Use the library by including it in a Rust binary:
load("//third_party/bazel_rules/rules_rust/rust:defs.bzl", "rust_binary") load("//third_party/protobuf/rust:defs.bzl", "rust_proto_library") proto_library( name = "person_proto", srcs = ["person.proto"], ) rust_proto_library( name = "person_rust_proto", deps = [":person_proto"], ) rust_binary( name = "greet", srcs = [""], deps = [ ":person_rust_proto", ], )
Don’t userust_upb_proto_library
or rust_cc_proto_library
checks the global build flag to choose the appropriate
backend for you.