PHP Generated Code Guide

Describes the PHP code that the protocol buffer compiler generates for any given protocol definition.

You should read the proto3 language guide before reading this document. Note that the protocol buffer compiler currently only supports proto3 code generation for PHP.

Compiler Invocation

The protocol buffer compiler produces PHP output when invoked with the --php_out= command-line flag. The parameter to the --php_out= option is the directory where you want the compiler to write your PHP output. In order to conform to PSR-4, the compiler creates a sub-directory corresponding to the package defined in the proto file. In addition, for each message in the proto file input the compiler creates a separate file in the package’s subdirectory. The names of the output files of messages are composed of three parts:

  • Base directory: The proto path (specified with the --proto_path= or -I command-line flag) is replaced with the output path (specified with the --php_out= flag).
  • Sub-directory: . in the package name are replaced by the operating system directory separator. Each package name component is capitalized.
  • File: The message name is appended by .php.

So, for example, let’s say you invoke the compiler as follows:

protoc --proto_path=src --php_out=build/gen src/example.proto

And src/example.proto is defined as:

message MyMessage {}

The compiler will read the files src/foo.proto and produce the output file: build/gen/Foo/Bar/MyMessage.php. The compiler will automatically create the directory build/gen/Foo/Bar if necessary, but it will not create build or build/gen; they must already exist.


The package name defined in the .proto file is used by default to generate a module structure for the generated PHP classes. Given a file like:


message MyMessage {}

The protocol compiler generates an output class with the name Foo\Bar\MyMessage.

Namespace Options

The compiler supports additional options to define the PHP and metadata namespace. When defined, these are used to generate the module structure and the namespace. Given options like:

option php_namespace = "baz\\qux";
option php_metadata_namespace = "Foo";
message MyMessage {}

The protocol compiler generates an output class with the name baz\qux\MyMessage. The class will have the namespace namespace baz\qux.

The protocol compiler generates a metadata class with the name Foo\Metadata. The class will have the namespace namespace Foo.

The options generated are case-sensitive. By default, the package is converted to Pascal case.


Given a simple message declaration:

message Foo {}

The protocol buffer compiler generates a PHP class called Foo. This class inherits from a common base class, Google\Protobuf\Internal\Message, which provides methods for encoding and decoding your message types, as shown in the following example:

$from = new Foo();
$from->getRepeatedInt32()[] = 1;
$from->getMapInt32Int32()[1] = 1;
$data = $from->serializeToString();
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
  // Handle parsing error from invalid data.

You should not create your own Foo subclasses. Generated classes are not designed for subclassing and may lead to "fragile base class" problems.

Nested messages result in a PHP class of the same name prefixed by their containing message and separated by underscores, as PHP doesn’t support nested classes. So, for example, if you have this in your .proto:

message TestMessage {
  optional int32 a = 1;
  message NestedMessage {...}

The compiler will generate the following classes:

class TestMessage {
  public a;

// PHP doesn’t support nested classes.
class TestMessage_NestedMessage {...}

If the message class name is reserved (for example, Empty), the prefix PB is prepended to the class name:

class PBEmpty {...}

We have also provided the file level option php_class_prefix. If this is specified, it is prepended to all generated message classes.


For each field in a message type, there are accessor methods to set and get the field. So given a field x you can write:

$m = new MyMessage();
$val = $m->getX();

$a = 1;

Whenever you set a field, the value is type-checked against the declared type of that field. If the value is of the wrong type (or out of range), an exception will be raised. By default type conversions (for example, when assigning a value to a field or adding an element to a repeated field) are permitted to and from integer, float, and numeric strings. Conversions that are not permitted include all conversions to/from arrays or objects. Float to integer overflow conversions are undefined.

You can see the corresponding PHP type for each scalar protocol buffers type in the scalar value types table.

Singular Message Fields

A field with a message type defaults to nil, and is not automatically created when the field is accessed. Thus you need to explicitly create sub messages, as in the following:

$m = new MyMessage();
$m->setZ(new SubMessage());

$m2 = new MyMessage();
$m2->getZ()->setFoo(42);  // FAILS with an exception

You can assign any instance to a message field, even if the instance is also held elsewhere (for example, as a field value on another message).

Repeated Fields

The protocol buffer compiler generates a special RepeatedField for each repeated field. So, for example, given the following field:

repeated int32 foo = 1;

The generated code lets you do this:

$m->getFoo()[] =1;

Map Fields

The protocol buffer compiler generates a MapField for each map field. So given this field:

map<int32, int32> weight = 1;

You can do the following with the generated code:

$m->getWeight()[1] = 1;


PHP doesn’t have native enums, so instead the protocol buffer compiler generates a PHP class for each enum type in your .proto file, just like for messages, with constants defined for each value. So, given this enum:

enum TestEnum {
  Default = 0;
  A = 1;

The compiler generates the following class:

class TestEnum {
  const DEFAULT = 0;
  const A = 1;

Also as with messages, a nested enum will result in a PHP class of the same name prefixed by its containing message(s) and separated with underscores, as PHP does not support nested classes.

class TestMessage_NestedEnum {...}

If an enum class or value name is reserved (for example, Empty), the prefix PB is prepended to the class or value name:

class PBEmpty {
  const PBECHO = 0;

We have also provided the file level option php_class_prefix. If this is specified, it is prepended to all generated enum classes.


For a oneofs, the protocol buffer compiler generates the same code as it would for regular singular fields, but also adds a special accessor method that lets you find out which oneof field (if any) is set. So, given this message:

message TestMessage {
  oneof test_oneof {
    int32 oneof_int32 = 1;
    int64 oneof_int64 = 2;

The compiler generates the following fields and special method:

class TestMessage {
  private oneof_int32;
  private oneof_int64;
  public function getOneofInt32();
  public function setOneofInt32($var);
  public function getOneofInt64();
  public function setOneofInt64($var);
  public function getTestOneof();  // Return field name

The accessor method’s name is based on the oneof’s name, and returns an enum value representing the field in the oneof that is currently set.