Go Opaque API: Manual Migration

Describes a manual migration to the Opaque API.

The Opaque API is the latest version of the Protocol Buffers implementation for the Go programming language. The old version is now called Open Struct API. See the Go Protobuf: Releasing the Opaque API blog post for an introduction.

This is a user guide for migrating Go Protobuf usages from the older Open Struct API to the new Opaque API.

The Generated Code Guide provides more detail. This guide compares the old and new API side-by-side.

Message Construction

Suppose there is a protobuf message defined like this:

message Foo {
  uint32 uint32 = 1;
  bytes bytes = 2;
  oneof union {
    string    string = 4;
    MyMessage message = 5;
  enum Kind {  };
  Kind kind = 9;

Here is an example of how to construct this message from literal values:

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
m := &pb.Foo{
  Uint32: proto.Uint32(5),
  Bytes:  []byte("hello"),
m := pb.Foo_builder{
  Uint32: proto.Uint32(5),
  Bytes:  []byte("hello"),

As you can see, the builder structs allow for an almost 1:1 translation between Open Struct API (old) and Opaque API (new).

Generally, prefer using builders for readability. Only in rare cases, like creating Protobuf messages in a hot inner loop, might it be preferable to use setters instead of builders. See the Opaque API FAQ: Should I use builders or setters? for more detail.

An exception to the above example is when working with oneofs: The Open Struct API (old) uses a wrapper struct type for each oneof case, whereas the Opaque API (new) treats oneof fields like regular message fields:

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
m := &pb.Foo{
  Uint32: myScalar,  // could be nil
  Union:  &pb.Foo_String{myString},
  Kind:   pb.Foo_SPECIAL_KIND.Enum(),
m := pb.Foo_builder{
  Uint32: myScalar,
  String: myString,
  Kind:   pb.Foo_SPECIAL_KIND.Enum(),

For the set of Go struct fields associated with a oneof union, only one field may be populated. If multiple oneof case fields are populated, the last one (in field declaration order in your .proto file) wins.

Scalar fields

Suppose there is a message defined with a scalar field:

message Artist {
  int32 birth_year = 1;

Protobuf message fields for which Go uses scalar types (bool, int32, int64, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, string, []byte, and enum) will have Get and Set accessor methods. Fields with explicit presence will also have Has and Clear methods.

For a field of type int32 named birth_year, the following accessor methods will be generated for it:

func (m *Artist) GetBirthYear() int32
func (m *Artist) SetBirthYear(v int32)
func (m *Artist) HasBirthYear() bool
func (m *Artist) ClearBirthYear()

Get returns a value for the field. If the field is not set or the message receiver is nil, it returns the default value. The default value is the zero value, unless explicitly set with the default option.

Set stores the provided value into the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver.

For bytes fields, calling Set with a nil []byte will be considered set. For example, calling Has immediately after returns true. Calling Get immediately after will return a zero-length slice (can either be nil or empty slice). Users should use Has for determining presence and not rely on whether Get returns nil.

Has reports whether the field is populated. It returns false when called on a nil message receiver.

Clear clears the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver.

Example code snippets using a string field in:

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
// Getting the value.
s := m.GetBirthYear()

// Setting the field.
m.BirthYear = proto.Int32(1989)

// Check for presence.
if s.BirthYear != nil {  }

// Clearing the field.
m.BirthYear = nil
// Getting the field value.
s := m.GetBirthYear()

// Setting the field.

// Check for presence.
if m.HasBirthYear() {  }

// Clearing the field

Message fields

Suppose there is a message defined with a message-typed field:

message Band {}

message Concert {
  Band headliner = 1;

Protobuf message fields of type message will have Get, Set, Has and Clear methods.

For a message-typed field named headliner, the following accessor methods will be generated for it:

func (m *Concert) GetHeadliner() *Band
func (m *Concert) SetHeadliner(*Band)
func (m *Concert) HasHeadliner() bool
func (m *Concert) ClearHeadliner()

Get returns a value for the field. It returns nil if not set or when called on a nil message receiver. Checking if Get returns nil is equivalent to checking if Has returns false.

Set stores the provided value into the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver. Calling Set with a nil pointer is equivalent to calling Clear.

Has reports whether the field is populated. It returns false when called on a nil message receiver.

Clear clears the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver.

Example code snippets

Open Struct API (old)Opaque (new)
// Getting the value.
b := m.GetHeadliner()

// Setting the field.
m.Headliner = &pb.Band{}

// Check for presence.
if s.Headliner != nil {  }

// Clearing the field.
m.Headliner = nil
// Getting the value.
s := m.GetHeadliner()

// Setting the field.

// Check for presence.
if m.HasHeadliner() {  }

// Clearing the field

Repeated fields

Suppose there is a message defined with a repeated message-typed field:

message Concert {
  repeated Band support_acts = 2;

Repeated fields will have Get and Set methods.

Get returns a value for the field. It returns nil if the field is not set or the message receiver is nil.

Set stores the provided value into the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver. Set will store a copy of the slice header that is provided. Changes to the slice contents are observable in the repeated field. Hence, if Set is called with an empty slice, calling Get immediately after will return the same slice. For the wire or text marshaling output, a passed-in nil slice is indistinguishable from an empty slice.

For a repeated message-typed field named support_acts on message Concert, the following accessor methods will be generated for it:

func (m *Concert) GetSupportActs() []*Band
func (m *Concert) SetSupportActs([]*Band)

Example code snippets

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
// Getting the entire repeated value.
v := m.GetSupportActs()

// Setting the field.
m.SupportActs = v

// Get an element in a repeated field.
e := m.SupportActs[i]

// Set an element in a repeated field.
m.SupportActs[i] = e

// Get the length of a repeated field.
n := len(m.GetSupportActs())

// Truncate a repeated field.
m.SupportActs = m.SupportActs[:i]

// Append to a repeated field.
m.SupportActs = append(m.GetSupportActs(), e)
m.SupportActs = append(m.GetSupportActs(), v...)

// Clearing the field.
m.SupportActs = nil
// Getting the entire repeated value.
v := m.GetSupportActs()

// Setting the field.

// Get an element in a repeated field.
e := m.GetSupportActs()[i]

// Set an element in a repeated field.
m.GetSupportActs()[i] = e

// Get the length of a repeated field.
n := len(m.GetSupportActs())

// Truncate a repeated field.

// Append to a repeated field.
m.SetSupportActs(append(m.GetSupportActs(), e))
m.SetSupportActs(append(m.GetSupportActs(), v...))

// Clearing the field.


Suppose there is a message defined with a map-typed field:

message MerchBooth {
  map<string, MerchItems> items = 1;

Map fields will have Get and Set methods.

Get returns a value for the field. It returns nil if the field is not set or the message receiver is nil.

Set stores the provided value into the field. It panics when called on a nil message receiver. Set will store a copy of the provided map reference. Changes to the provided map are observable in the map field.

For a map field named items on message MerchBooth, the following accessor methods will be generated for it:

func (m *MerchBooth) GetItems() map[string]*MerchItem
func (m *MerchBooth) SetItems(map[string]*MerchItem)

Example code snippets

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
// Getting the entire map value.
v := m.GetItems()

// Setting the field.
m.Items = v

// Get an element in a map field.
v := m.Items[k]

// Set an element in a map field.
// This will panic if m.Items is nil.
// You should check m.Items for nil
// before doing the assignment to ensure
// it won't panic.
m.Items[k] = v

// Delete an element in a map field.
delete(m.Items, k)

// Get the size of a map field.
n := len(m.GetItems())

// Clearing the field.
m.Items = nil
// Getting the entire map value.
v := m.GetItems()

// Setting the field.

// Get an element in a map field.
v := m.GetItems()[k]

// Set an element in a map field.
// This will panic if m.GetItems() is nil.
// You should check m.GetItems() for nil
// before doing the assignment to ensure
// it won't panic.
m.GetItems()[k] = v

// Delete an element in a map field.
delete(m.GetItems(), k)

// Get the size of a map field.
n := len(m.GetItems())

// Clearing the field.


For each oneof union grouping, there will be a Which, Has and Clear method on the message. There will also be a Get, Set, Has, and Clear method on each oneof case field in that union.

Suppose there is a message defined with oneof fields image_url and image_data in oneof avatar like:

message Profile {
  oneof avatar {
    string image_url = 1;
    bytes image_data = 2;

The generated Opaque API for this oneof will be:

func (m *Profile) WhichAvatar() case_Profile_Avatar {  }
func (m *Profile) HasAvatar() bool {  }
func (m *Profile) ClearAvatar() {  }

type case_Profile_Avatar protoreflect.FieldNumber

const (
  Profile_Avatar_not_set_case case_Profile_Avatar = 0
  Profile_ImageUrl_case case_Profile_Avatar = 1
  Profile_ImageData_case case_Profile_Avatar = 2

Which reports which case field is set by returning the field number. It returns 0 when none are set or when called on a nil message receiver.

Has reports whether any of the fields within the oneof is set. It returns false when called on a nil message receiver.

Clear clears the currently set case field in the oneof. It panics on a nil message receiver.

The generated Opaque API for each oneof case field will be:

func (m *Profile) GetImageUrl() string {  }
func (m *Profile) GetImageData() []byte {  }

func (m *Profile) SetImageUrl(v string) {  }
func (m *Profile) SetImageData(v []byte) {  }

func (m *Profile) HasImageUrl() bool {  }
func (m *Profile) HasImageData() bool {  }

func (m *Profile) ClearImageUrl() {  }
func (m *Profile) ClearImageData() {  }

Get returns a value for the case field. It will return the zero value if the case field is not set or when called on a nil message receiver.

Set stores the provided value into the case field. It also implicitly clears the case field that was previously populated within the oneof union. Calling Set on a oneof message case field with nil value will set the field to an empty message. It panics when called on a nil message receiver.

Has reports whether the case field is set or not. It returns false when called on a nil message receiver.

Clear clears the case field. If it was previously set, the oneof union is also cleared. If the oneof union is set to different field, it will not clear the oneof union. It panics when called on a nil message receiver.

Example code snippets

Open Struct API (old)Opaque API (new)
// Getting the oneof field that is set.
switch m.GetAvatar().(type) {
case *pb.Profile_ImageUrl:
   = m.GetImageUrl()
case *pb.Profile_ImageData:
   = m.GetImageData()

// Setting the fields.
m.Avatar = &pb.Profile_ImageUrl{"http://"}
m.Avatar = &pb.Profile_ImageData{img}

// Checking whether any oneof field is set
if m.Avatar != nil {  }

// Clearing the field.
m.Avatar = nil

// Checking if a specific field is set.
_, ok := m.GetAvatar().(*pb.Profile_ImageUrl)
if ok {  }

// Clearing a specific field
_, ok := m.GetAvatar().(*pb.Profile_ImageUrl)
if ok {
  m.Avatar = nil

// Copy a oneof field.
m.Avatar = src.Avatar
// Getting the oneof field that is set.
switch m.WhichAvatar() {
case pb.Profile_ImageUrl_case:
   = m.GetImageUrl()
case pb.Profile_ImageData_case:
   = m.GetImageData()

// Setting the fields.

// Checking whether any oneof field is set
if m.HasAvatar() {  }

// Clearing the field.

// Checking if a specific field is set.
if m.HasImageUrl() {  }

// Clearing a specific field.

// Copy a oneof field
switch src.WhichAvatar() {
case pb.Profile_ImageUrl_case:
case pb.Profile_ImageData_case:


Code that use Go reflect package on proto message types to access struct fields and tags will no longer work when migrating away from the Open Struct API. Code will need to migrate to use protoreflect

Some common libraries do use Go reflect under the hood, examples are: