Go Opaque API FAQ

A list of frequently asked questions about the Opaque API.

The Opaque API is the latest version of the Protocol Buffers implementation for the Go programming language. The old version is now called Open Struct API. See the Go Protobuf: The new Opaque API blog post for an introduction.

This FAQ answers common questions about the new API and the migration process.

Which API Should I Use When Creating a New .proto File?

We recommend you select the Opaque API for new development. Protobuf Edition 2024 (see Protobuf Editions Overview) will make the Opaque API the default.

How Do I Enable the New Opaque API for My Messages?

With Protobuf Edition 2023 (current at the time of writing), you can select the Opaque API by setting the api_level editions feature to API_OPAQUE in your .proto file. This can be set per file or per message:

edition = "2023";

package log;

import "google/protobuf/go_features.proto";
option features.(pb.go).api_level = API_OPAQUE;

message LogEntry {  }

Protobuf Edition 2024 will default to the Opaque API, meaning you will not need extra imports or options anymore:

edition = "2024";

package log;

message LogEntry {  }

The release date estimate for Protobuf Edition 2024 is early 2025.

For your convenience, you can also override the default API level with a protoc command-line flag:

protoc […] --go_opt=default_api_level=API_HYBRID

To override the default API level for a specific file (instead of all files), use the apilevelM mapping flag (similar to the M flag for import paths):

protoc […] --go_opt=apilevelMhello.proto=API_HYBRID

The command-line flags also work for .proto files still using proto2 or proto3 syntax, but if you want to select the API level from within the .proto file, you need to migrate said file to editions first.

How Do I Enable Lazy Decoding?

  1. Migrate your code to use the opaque implementation.
  2. Set the [lazy = true] option on the proto submessage fields that should be lazily decoded.
  3. Run your unit and integration tests, and then roll out to a staging environment.

Are Errors Ignored with Lazy Decoding?

No. proto.Marshal will always validate the wire format data, even when decoding is deferred until first access.

Where Can I Ask Questions or Report Issues?

If you found an issue with the open2opaque migration tool (such as incorrectly rewritten code), please report it in the open2opaque issue tracker.

If you found an issue with Go Protobuf, please report it in the Go Protobuf issue tracker.

What Are the Benefits of the Opaque API?

The Opaque API comes with numerous benefits:

  • It uses a more efficient memory representation, thereby reducing memory and Garbage Collection cost.
  • It makes lazy decoding possible, which can significantly improve performance.
  • It fixes a number of sharp edges. Bugs resulting from pointer address comparison, accidental sharing, or undesired use of Go reflection are all prevented when using the Opaque API.
  • It makes the ideal memory layout possible by enabling profile-driven optimizations.

See the Go Protobuf: The new Opaque API blog post for more details on these points.

Which Is Faster, Builders or Setters?

Generally, code using builders:

_ = pb.M_builder{
  F: &val,

is slower than the following equivalent:

m := &pb.M{}

for the following reasons:

  1. The Build() call iterates over all fields in the message (even ones that are not explicitly set) and copies their values (if any) to the final message. This linear performance matters for messages with many fields.
  2. There’s a potential extra heap allocation (&val).
  3. The builder can be significantly larger and use more memory in presence of oneof fields. Builders have a field per oneof union member while the message can store the oneof itself as a single field.

Aside from runtime performance, if binary size is a concern for you, avoiding builders will result in less code.

How Do I Use Builders?

Builders are designed to be used as values and with an immediate Build() call. Avoid using pointers to builders or storing builders in variables.

m := pb.M_builder{
    // ...
// BAD: Avoid using a pointer
m := (&pb.M_builder{
    // ...
// BAD: avoid storing in a variable
b := pb.M_builder{
    // ...
m := b.Build()

Proto messages are immutable in some other languages, hence users tend to pass the builder type into function calls when constructing a proto message. Go proto messages are mutable, hence there’s no need for passing the builder into function calls. Simply pass the proto message.

// BAD: avoid passing a builder around
func populate(mb *pb.M_builder) {
  mb.Field1 = proto.Int32(4711)
// ...
mb := pb.M_builder{}
m := mb.Build()
func populate(mb *pb.M) {
// ...
m := &pb.M{}

Builders are designed to imitate the composite literal construction of the Open Struct API, not as an alternative representation of a proto message.

The recommended pattern is also more performant. The intended use of Build() where it is called directly on the builder struct literal can be optimized well. A separate call to Build() is much harder to optimize, as the compiler may not easily identify which fields are populated. If the builder lives longer, there’s also a high chance that small objects like scalars have to be heap allocated and later need to be freed by the garbage collector.

Should I Use Builders or Setters?

When constructing an empty protocol buffer, you should use new or an empty composite literals. Both are equivalently idiomatic to construct a zero initialized value in Go and are more performant than an empty builder.

m1 := new(pb.M)
m2 := &pb.M{}
// BAD: avoid: unnecessarily complex
m1 := pb.M_builder{}.Build()

In cases where you need to construct non-empty protocol buffers, you have the choice between using setters or using builders. Either is fine, but most people will find builders more readable. If the code you are writing needs to perform well, setters are generally slightly more performant than builders.

// Recommended: using builders
m1 := pb.M1_builder{
    Submessage: pb.M2_builder{
        Submessage: pb.M3_builder{
            String: proto.String("hello world"),
            Int:    proto.Int32(42),
        Bytes: []byte("hello"),
// Also okay: using setters
m3 := &pb.M3{}
m3.SetString("hello world")
m2 := &pb.M2{}
m1 := &pb.M1{}

You can combine the use of builder and setters if certain fields require conditional logic before setting.

m1 := pb.M1_builder{
    Field1: value1,
if someCondition() {

How Can I Influence open2opaque’s Builder Behavior?

The open2opaque tool’s --use_builders flag can have the following values:

  • --use_builders=everywhere: always use builders, no exceptions.
  • --use_builders=tests: use builders only in tests, setters otherwise.
  • --use_builders=nowhere: never use builders.

How Much Performance Benefit Can I Expect?

This depends heavily on your workload. The following questions can guide your performance exploration:

  • How big a percentage of your CPU usage is Go Protobuf? Some workloads, like logs analysis pipelines that compute statistics based on Protobuf input records, can spend about 50% of their CPU usage in Go Protobuf. Performance improvements will likely be clearly visible in such workloads. On the other end of the spectrum, in programs that only spend 3-5% of their CPU usage in Go Protobuf, performance improvements will often be insignificant compared to other opportunities.
  • How amenable to lazy decoding is your program? If large portions of the input messages are never accessed, lazy decoding can save a lot of work. This pattern is usually encountered in jobs like proxy servers (which pass through the input as-is), or logs analysis pipelines with high selectivity (which discard many records based on a high-level predicate).
  • Do your message definitions contain many elementary fields with explicit presence? The Opaque API uses a more efficient memory representation for elementary fields like integers, booleans, enums and floats, but not strings, repeated fields or submessages.

How Does Proto2, Proto3, and Editions Relate to the Opaque API?

The terms proto2 and proto3 refer to different syntax versions in your .proto files. Protobuf Editions is the successor to both proto2 and proto3.

The Opaque API affects only the generated code in .pb.go files, not what you write in your .proto files.

The Opaque API works the same, independent of which syntax or edition your .proto files use. However, if you want to select the Opaque API on a per-file basis (as opposed to using a command-line flag when you are running protoc), you must migrate the file to editions first. See How Do I Enable the New Opaque API for My Messages? for details.

Why Only Change the Memory Layout of Elementary Fields?

The announcement blog post’s “Opaque structs use less memory” section explains:

This performance improvement [modeling field presence more efficiently] depends heavily on your protobuf message shape: The change only affects elementary fields like integers, booleans, enums and floats, but not strings, repeated fields or submessages.

A natural follow-up question is why strings, repeated fields, and submessages remain pointers in the Opaque API. The answer is twofold.

Consideration 1: Memory Usage

Representing submessages as values instead of pointers would increase memory usage: each Protobuf message type carries internal state, which would consume memory even when the submessage is not actually set.

For strings and repeated fields, the situation is more nuanced. Let’s compare the memory usage of using a string value compared to a string pointer:

Go variable typeset?words#bytes
stringyes2 (data, len)16
stringno2 (data, len)16
*stringyes1 (data) + 2 (data, len)24
*stringno1 (data)8

(The situation is similar for slices, but slice headers need 3 words: data, len, cap.)

If your string fields are overwhelmingly not set, using a pointer saves RAM. Of course, this saving comes at the cost of introducing more allocations and pointers into the program, which increases load on the Garbage Collector.

The advantage of the Opaque API is that we can change the representation without any changes to user code. The current memory layout was optimal for us when we introduced it, but if we measured today or 5 years into the future, maybe we would have chosen a different layout.

As described in the announcement blog post’s “Making the ideal memory layout possible” section, we aim to make these optimization decisions on a per-workload basis in the future.

Consideration 2: Lazy Decoding

Aside from the memory usage consideration, there is another restriction: fields for which lazy decoding is enabled must be represented by pointers.

Protobuf messages are safe for concurrent access (but not concurrent mutation), so if two different goroutines trigger lazy decoding, they need to coordinate somehow. This coordination is implemented through using the sync/atomic package, which can update pointers atomically, but not slice headers (which exceed a word).

While protoc currently only permits lazy decoding for (non-repeated) submessages, this reasoning holds for all field types.