
This section contains reference documentation for working with protocol buffer classes in C++.

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

This file defines static methods and classes for comparing Protocol Messages.

Aug. 2008: Added Unknown Fields Comparison for messages. Aug. 2009: Added different options to compare repeated fields. Apr. 2010: Moved field comparison to FieldComparator Sep. 2020: Added option to output map keys in path

Classes in this file

A basic differencer that can be used to determine the differences between two specified Protocol Messages.
Abstract base class from which all IgnoreCriteria derive.
MapKeyComparator is used to determine if two elements have the same key when comparing elements of a repeated field as a map.
Abstract base class from which all MessageDifferencer reporters derive.
Identifies an individual field in a message instance.
An implementation of the MessageDifferencer Reporter that outputs any differences found in human-readable form to the supplied ZeroCopyOutputStream or Printer.
Class for processing Any deserialization.
This class provides extra information to the FieldComparator::Compare function.

File Members

These definitions are not part of any class.
std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > FieldDescriptorArray
Defines a collection of field descriptors. more...

typedef util::FieldDescriptorArray

Defines a collection of field descriptors.

In case of internal google codebase we are using absl::FixedArray instead of vector. It significantly speeds up proto comparison (by ~30%) by reducing the number of malloc/free operations

class MessageDifferencer

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

A basic differencer that can be used to determine the differences between two specified Protocol Messages.

If any differences are found, the Compare method will return false, and any differencer reporter specified via ReportDifferencesTo will have its reporting methods called (see below for implementation of the report). Based off of the original ProtocolDifferencer implementation in //net/proto/protocol-differencer.h (Thanks Todd!).

MessageDifferencer REQUIRES that compared messages be the same type, defined as messages that share the same descriptor. If not, the behavior of this class is undefined.

People disagree on what MessageDifferencer should do when asked to compare messages with different descriptors. Some people think it should always return false. Others expect it to try to look for similar fields and compare them anyway – especially if the descriptors happen to be identical. If we chose either of these behaviors, some set of people would find it surprising, and could end up writing code expecting the other behavior without realizing their error. Therefore, we forbid that usage.

This class is implemented based on the proto2 reflection. The performance should be good enough for normal usages. However, for places where the performance is extremely sensitive, there are several alternatives:

  • Comparing serialized string Downside: false negatives (there are messages that are the same but their serialized strings are different).
  • Equals code generator by compiler plugin (net/proto2/contrib/equals_plugin) Downside: more generated code; maintenance overhead for the additional rule (must be in sync with the original proto_library).

Note on handling of google.protobuf.Any: MessageDifferencer automatically unpacks Any::value into a Message and compares its individual fields. Messages encoded in a repeated Any cannot be compared using TreatAsMap.

Note on thread-safety: MessageDifferencer is not thread-safe. You need to guard it with a lock to use the same MessageDifferencer instance from multiple threads. Note that it's fine to call static comparison methods (like MessageDifferencer::Equals) concurrently, but it's not recommended for performance critical code as it leads to extra allocations.


DEPRECATED. Use FieldComparator::FloatComparison instead. more...
DefaultFieldComparator *
FieldComparator *
static bool
Equals(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Determines whether the supplied messages are equal. more...
static bool
Equivalent(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Determines whether the supplied messages are equivalent. more...
static bool
ApproximatelyEquals(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Determines whether the supplied messages are approximately equal. more...
static bool
ApproximatelyEquivalent(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Determines whether the supplied messages are approximately equivalent. more...
To add a Reporter, construct default here, then use ReportDifferencesTo or ReportDifferencesToString.
TreatAsSet(const FieldDescriptor * field)
The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a set for diffing purposes, so different orderings of the same elements will be considered equal. more...
TreatAsSmartSet(const FieldDescriptor * field)
TreatAsList(const FieldDescriptor * field)
The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a list for diffing purposes, so different orderings of the same elements will NOT be considered equal. more...
TreatAsSmartList(const FieldDescriptor * field)
Note that the complexity is similar to treating as SET.
TreatAsMap(const FieldDescriptor * field, const FieldDescriptor * key)
The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a map for diffing purposes, with |key| being the map key. more...
TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey(const FieldDescriptor * field, const std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > & key_fields)
Same as TreatAsMap except that this method will use multiple fields as the key in comparison. more...
TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldPathsAsKey(const FieldDescriptor * field, const std::vector< std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > > & key_field_paths)
Same as TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey, except that each of the field do not necessarily need to be a direct subfield. more...
TreatAsMapUsingKeyComparator(const FieldDescriptor * field, const MapKeyComparator * key_comparator)
Uses a custom MapKeyComparator to determine if two elements have the same key when comparing a repeated field as a map. more...
MapKeyComparator *
CreateMultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator(const std::vector< std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > > & key_field_paths)
Initiates and returns a new instance of MultipleFieldsMapKeyComparator.
AddIgnoreCriteria(IgnoreCriteria * ignore_criteria)
Add a custom ignore criteria that is evaluated in addition to the ignored fields added with IgnoreField. more...
IgnoreField(const FieldDescriptor * field)
Indicates that any field with the given descriptor should be ignored for the purposes of comparing two messages. more...
set_field_comparator(FieldComparator * comparator)
Sets the field comparator used to determine differences between protocol buffer fields. more...
SetFractionAndMargin(const FieldDescriptor * field, double fraction, double margin)
set_message_field_comparison(MessageFieldComparison comparison)
Sets the type of comparison (as defined in the MessageFieldComparison enumeration above) that is used by this differencer when determining how to compare fields in messages.
set_report_matches(bool report_matches)
Tells the differencer whether or not to report matches. more...
set_report_moves(bool report_moves)
Tells the differencer whether or not to report moves (in a set or map repeated field). more...
set_report_ignores(bool report_ignores)
Tells the differencer whether or not to report ignored values. more...
set_scope(Scope scope)
Sets the scope of the comparison (as defined in the Scope enumeration above) that is used by this differencer when determining which fields to compare between the messages.
Returns the current scope used by this differencer.
set_float_comparison(FloatComparison comparison)
set_repeated_field_comparison(RepeatedFieldComparison comparison)
Sets the type of comparison for repeated field (as defined in the RepeatedFieldComparison enumeration above) that is used by this differencer when compare repeated fields in messages.
Returns the current repeated field comparison used by this differencer.
Compare(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Compares the two specified messages, returning true if they are the same, false otherwise. more...
CompareWithFields(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > & message1_fields, const std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > & message2_fields)
Same as above, except comparing only the list of fields specified by the two vectors of FieldDescriptors.
ReportDifferencesToString(std::string * output)
Automatically creates a reporter that will output the differences found (if any) to the specified output string pointer. more...
ReportDifferencesTo(Reporter * reporter)
Tells the MessageDifferencer to report differences via the specified reporter. more...

enum MessageDifferencer::MessageFieldComparison {

EQUALFields must be present in both messages for the messages to be considered the same.

Fields with default values are considered set for comparison purposes even if not explicitly set in the messages themselves.

Unknown fields are ignored.

enum MessageDifferencer::Scope {

FULLAll fields of both messages are considered in the comparison.
PARTIALOnly fields present in the first message are considered; fields set only in the second message will be skipped during comparison.

enum MessageDifferencer::FloatComparison {

DEPRECATED. Use FieldComparator::FloatComparison instead.

EXACTFloats and doubles are compared exactly.
APPROXIMATEFloats and doubles are compared using the MathUtil::AlmostEquals method.

enum MessageDifferencer::RepeatedFieldComparison {


Repeated fields are compared in order.

Differing values at the same index are reported using ReportModified(). If the repeated fields have different numbers of elements, the unpaired elements are reported using ReportAdded() or ReportDeleted().


Treat all the repeated fields as sets.

See TreatAsSet(), as below.


Similar to AS_SET, but preserve the order and find the longest matching sequence from the first matching element.

To use an optimal solution, call SetMatchIndicesForSmartListCallback() to pass it in.

AS_SMART_SETSimilar to AS_SET, but match elements with fewest diffs.

static bool MessageDifferencer::Equals(
        const Message & message1,
        const Message & message2)

Determines whether the supplied messages are equal.

Equality is defined as all fields within the two messages being set to the same value. Primitive fields and strings are compared by value while embedded messages/groups are compared as if via a recursive call. Use Compare() with IgnoreField() if some fields should be ignored in the comparison. Use Compare() with TreatAsSet() if there are repeated fields where ordering does not matter.

This method REQUIRES that the two messages have the same Descriptor (message1.GetDescriptor() == message2.GetDescriptor()).

static bool MessageDifferencer::Equivalent(
        const Message & message1,
        const Message & message2)

Determines whether the supplied messages are equivalent.

Equivalency is defined as all fields within the two messages having the same value. This differs from the Equals method above in that fields with default values are considered set to said value automatically. For details on how default values are defined for each field type, see: static bool MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals(
Message & message1,
        const Message & message2)

Determines whether the supplied messages are approximately equal.

Approximate equality is defined as all fields within the two messages being approximately equal. Primitive (non-float) fields and strings are compared by value, floats are compared using MathUtil::AlmostEquals() and embedded messages/groups are compared as if via a recursive call. Use IgnoreField() and Compare() if some fields should be ignored in the comparison.

This method REQUIRES that the two messages have the same Descriptor (message1.GetDescriptor() == message2.GetDescriptor()).

static bool MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquivalent(
        const Message & message1,
        const Message & message2)

Determines whether the supplied messages are approximately equivalent.

Approximate equivalency is defined as all fields within the two messages being approximately equivalent. As in MessageDifferencer::ApproximatelyEquals, primitive (non-float) fields and strings are compared by value, floats are compared using MathUtil::AlmostEquals() and embedded messages/groups are compared as if via a recursive call. However, fields with default values are considered set to said value, as per MessageDiffencer::Equivalent. Use IgnoreField() and Compare() if some fields should be ignored in the comparison.

This method REQUIRES that the two messages have the same Descriptor (message1.GetDescriptor() == message2.GetDescriptor()).

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsSet(
        const FieldDescriptor * field)

The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a set for diffing purposes, so different orderings of the same elements will be considered equal.

Elements which are present on both sides of the comparison but which have changed position will be reported with ReportMoved(). Elements which only exist on one side or the other are reported with ReportAdded() and ReportDeleted() regardless of their positions. ReportModified() is never used for this repeated field. If the only differences between the compared messages is that some fields have been moved, then the comparison returns true.

Note that despite the name of this method, this is really comparison as multisets: if one side of the comparison has a duplicate in the repeated field but the other side doesn't, this will count as a mismatch.

If the scope of comparison is set to PARTIAL, then in addition to what's above, extra values added to repeated fields of the second message will not cause the comparison to fail.

Note that set comparison is currently O(k * n^2) (where n is the total number of elements, and k is the average size of each element). In theory it could be made O(n * k) with a more complex hashing implementation. Feel free to contribute one if the current implementation is too slow for you. If partial matching is also enabled, the time complexity will be O(k * n^2

  • n^3) in which n^3 is the time complexity of the maximum matching algorithm.

REQUIRES: field->is_repeated() and field not registered with TreatAsMap*

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsList(
        const FieldDescriptor * field)

The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a list for diffing purposes, so different orderings of the same elements will NOT be considered equal.

REQUIRES: field->is_repeated() and field not registered with TreatAsMap*

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMap(
        const FieldDescriptor * field,
        const FieldDescriptor * key)

The elements of the given repeated field will be treated as a map for diffing purposes, with |key| being the map key.

Thus, elements with the same key will be compared even if they do not appear at the same index. Differences are reported similarly to TreatAsSet(), except that ReportModified() is used to report elements with the same key but different values. Note that if an element is both moved and modified, only ReportModified() will be called. As with TreatAsSet, if the only differences between the compared messages is that some fields have been moved, then the comparison returns true. See TreatAsSet for notes on performance.

REQUIRES: field->is_repeated() REQUIRES: field->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE REQUIRES: key->containing_type() == field->message_type()

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey(
        const FieldDescriptor * field,
        const std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > & key_fields)

Same as TreatAsMap except that this method will use multiple fields as the key in comparison.

All specified fields in 'key_fields' should be present in the compared elements. Two elements will be treated as having the same key iff they have the same value for every specified field. There are two steps in the comparison process. The first one is key matching. Every element from one message will be compared to every element from the other message. Only fields in 'key_fields' are compared in this step to decide if two elements have the same key. The second step is value comparison. Those pairs of elements with the same key (with equal value for every field in 'key_fields') will be compared in this step. Time complexity of the first step is O(s * m * n ^ 2) where s is the average size of the fields specified in 'key_fields', m is the number of fields in 'key_fields' and n is the number of elements. If partial matching is enabled, an extra O(n^3) will be incured by the maximum matching algorithm. The second step is O(k * n) where k is the average size of each element.

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldPathsAsKey(
        const FieldDescriptor * field,
        const std::vector< std::vector< const FieldDescriptor * > > & key_field_paths)

Same as TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey, except that each of the field do not necessarily need to be a direct subfield.

Each element in key_field_paths indicate a path from the message being compared, listing successive subfield to reach the key field.


for key_field_path in key_field_paths:
  key_field_path[0]->containing_type() == field->message_type()
  for i in [0, key_field_path.size() - 1):
    key_field_path[i+1]->containing_type() ==
    key_field_path[i]->cpp_type() == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_MESSAGE

void MessageDifferencer::TreatAsMapUsingKeyComparator(
        const FieldDescriptor * field,
        const MapKeyComparator * key_comparator)

Uses a custom MapKeyComparator to determine if two elements have the same key when comparing a repeated field as a map.

The caller is responsible to delete the key_comparator. This method varies from TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey only in the first key matching step. Rather than comparing some specified fields, it will invoke the IsMatch method of the given 'key_comparator' to decide if two elements have the same key.

void MessageDifferencer::AddIgnoreCriteria(
        IgnoreCriteria * ignore_criteria)

Add a custom ignore criteria that is evaluated in addition to the ignored fields added with IgnoreField.

Takes ownership of ignore_criteria.

void MessageDifferencer::IgnoreField(
        const FieldDescriptor * field)

Indicates that any field with the given descriptor should be ignored for the purposes of comparing two messages.

This applies to fields nested in the message structure as well as top level ones. When the MessageDifferencer encounters an ignored field, ReportIgnored is called on the reporter, if one is specified.

The only place where the field's 'ignored' status is not applied is when it is being used as a key in a field passed to TreatAsMap or is one of the fields passed to TreatAsMapWithMultipleFieldsAsKey. In this case it is compared in key matching but after that it's ignored in value comparison.

void MessageDifferencer::set_field_comparator(
        FieldComparator * comparator)

Sets the field comparator used to determine differences between protocol buffer fields.

By default it's set to a DefaultFieldComparator instance. MessageDifferencer doesn't take ownership over the passed object. Note that this method must be called before Compare for the comparator to be used.

void MessageDifferencer::SetFractionAndMargin(
        const FieldDescriptor * field,
        double fraction,
        double margin)


Pass a DefaultFieldComparator instance instead. Sets the fraction and margin for the float comparison of a given field. Uses MathUtil::WithinFractionOrMargin to compare the values. NOTE: this method does nothing if differencer's field comparator has been

set to a custom object.

REQUIRES: field->cpp_type == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_DOUBLE or

field->cpp_type == FieldDescriptor::CPPTYPE_FLOAT

REQUIRES: float_comparison_ == APPROXIMATE

void MessageDifferencer::set_report_matches(
        bool report_matches)

Tells the differencer whether or not to report matches.

This method must be called before Compare. The default for a new differencer is false.

void MessageDifferencer::set_report_moves(
        bool report_moves)

Tells the differencer whether or not to report moves (in a set or map repeated field).

This method must be called before Compare. The default for a new differencer is true.

void MessageDifferencer::set_report_ignores(
        bool report_ignores)

Tells the differencer whether or not to report ignored values.

This method must be called before Compare. The default for a new differencer is true.

void MessageDifferencer::set_float_comparison(
        FloatComparison comparison)


Pass a DefaultFieldComparator instance instead. Sets the type of comparison (as defined in the FloatComparison enumeration above) that is used by this differencer when comparing float (and double) fields in messages. NOTE: this method does nothing if differencer's field comparator has been

set to a custom object.

bool MessageDifferencer::Compare(
        const Message & message1,
        const Message & message2)

Compares the two specified messages, returning true if they are the same, false otherwise.

If this method returns false, any changes between the two messages will be reported if a Reporter was specified via ReportDifferencesTo (see also ReportDifferencesToString).

This method REQUIRES that the two messages have the same Descriptor (message1.GetDescriptor() == message2.GetDescriptor()).

void MessageDifferencer::ReportDifferencesToString(
        std::string * output)

Automatically creates a reporter that will output the differences found (if any) to the specified output string pointer.

Note that this method must be called before Compare.

void MessageDifferencer::ReportDifferencesTo(
        Reporter * reporter)

Tells the MessageDifferencer to report differences via the specified reporter.

Note that this method must be called before Compare for the reporter to be used. It is the responsibility of the caller to delete this object. If the provided pointer equals NULL, the MessageDifferencer stops reporting differences to any previously set reporters or output strings.

class MessageDifferencer::IgnoreCriteria

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

Abstract base class from which all IgnoreCriteria derive.

By adding IgnoreCriteria more complex ignore logic can be implemented. IgnoreCriteria are registered with AddIgnoreCriteria. For each compared field IsIgnored is called on each added IgnoreCriteria until one returns true or all return false. IsIgnored is called for fields where at least one side has a value.


virtual bool
IsIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const FieldDescriptor * , const std::vector< SpecificField > & ) = 0
Returns true if the field should be ignored.
virtual bool
IsUnknownFieldIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const SpecificField & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Returns true if the unknown field should be ignored. more...

virtual bool IgnoreCriteria::IsUnknownFieldIgnored(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const SpecificField & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Returns true if the unknown field should be ignored.

Note: This will be called for unknown fields as well in which case

field.field will be null.

class MessageDifferencer::MapKeyComparator

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

MapKeyComparator is used to determine if two elements have the same key when comparing elements of a repeated field as a map.


virtual bool
IsMatch(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & ) const

class MessageDifferencer::Reporter

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

Abstract base class from which all MessageDifferencer reporters derive.

The five Report* methods below will be called when a field has been added, deleted, modified, moved, or matched. The third argument is a vector of FieldDescriptor pointers which describes the chain of fields that was taken to find the current field. For example, for a field found in an embedded message, the vector will contain two FieldDescriptors. The first will be the field of the embedded message itself and the second will be the actual field in the embedded message that was added/deleted/modified. Fields will be reported in PostTraversalOrder. For example, given the following proto, if both baz and mooo are changed.

foo {
  bar {
    baz: 1
    mooo: 2

ReportModified will be invoked with following order:

  1. or
  2. or
  4. foo

Known subclasses:


virtual void
ReportAdded(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path) = 0
Reports that a field has been added into Message2.
virtual void
ReportDeleted(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path) = 0
Reports that a field has been deleted from Message1.
virtual void
ReportModified(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path) = 0
Reports that the value of a field has been modified.
virtual void
ReportMoved(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that a repeated field has been moved to another location. more...
virtual void
ReportMatched(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that two fields match. more...
virtual void
ReportIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that two fields would have been compared, but the comparison has been skipped because the field was marked as 'ignored' using IgnoreField(). more...
virtual void
ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Report that an unknown field is ignored. more...

virtual void Reporter::ReportMoved(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that a repeated field has been moved to another location.

This only applies when using TreatAsSet or TreatAsMap() – see below. Also note that for any given field, ReportModified and ReportMoved are mutually exclusive. If a field has been both moved and modified, then only ReportModified will be called.

virtual void Reporter::ReportMatched(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that two fields match.

Useful for doing side-by-side diffs. This function is mutually exclusive with ReportModified and ReportMoved. Note that you must call set_report_matches(true) before calling Compare to make use of this function.

virtual void Reporter::ReportIgnored(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that two fields would have been compared, but the comparison has been skipped because the field was marked as 'ignored' using IgnoreField().

This function is mutually exclusive with all the other Report() functions.

The contract of ReportIgnored is slightly different than the other Report() functions, in that |field_path.back().index| is always equal to -1, even if the last field is repeated. This is because while the other Report() functions indicate where in a repeated field the action (Addition, Deletion, etc...) happened, when a repeated field is 'ignored', the differencer simply calls ReportIgnored on the repeated field as a whole and moves on without looking at its individual elements.

Furthermore, ReportIgnored() does not indicate whether the fields were in fact equal or not, as Compare() does not inspect these fields at all. It is up to the Reporter to decide whether the fields are equal or not (perhaps with a second call to Compare()), if it cares.

virtual void Reporter::ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Report that an unknown field is ignored.

(see comment above). Note this is a different function since the last SpecificField in field path has a null field. This could break existing Reporter.

struct MessageDifferencer::SpecificField

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

Identifies an individual field in a message instance.

Used for field_path, below.


const FieldDescriptor *
field = = nullptr
For known fields, "field" is filled in and "unknown_field_number" is -1. more...
unknown_field_number = = -1
unknown_field_type = = UnknownField::Type::TYPE_VARINT
index = = -1
If this a repeated field, "index" is the index within it. more...
new_index = = -1
If "field" is a repeated field which is being treated as a map or a set (see TreatAsMap() and TreatAsSet(), below), new_index indicates the index the position to which the element has moved. more...
const UnknownFieldSet *
unknown_field_set1 = = nullptr
For unknown fields, these are the pointers to the UnknownFieldSet containing the unknown fields. more...
const UnknownFieldSet *
unknown_field_set2 = = nullptr
unknown_field_index1 = = -1
For unknown fields, these are the index of the field within the UnknownFieldSets. more...
unknown_field_index2 = = -1

const FieldDescriptor * SpecificField::field = = nullptr

For known fields, "field" is filled in and "unknown_field_number" is -1.

For unknown fields, "field" is NULL, "unknown_field_number" is the field number, and "unknown_field_type" is its type.

int SpecificField::index = = -1

If this a repeated field, "index" is the index within it.

For unknown fields, this is the index of the field among all unknown fields of the same field number and type.

int SpecificField::new_index = = -1

If "field" is a repeated field which is being treated as a map or a set (see TreatAsMap() and TreatAsSet(), below), new_index indicates the index the position to which the element has moved.

If the element has not moved, "new_index" will have the same value as "index".

const UnknownFieldSet * SpecificField::unknown_field_set1 = = nullptr

For unknown fields, these are the pointers to the UnknownFieldSet containing the unknown fields.

In certain cases (e.g. proto1's MessageSet, or nested groups of unknown fields), these may differ from the messages' internal UnknownFieldSets.

int SpecificField::unknown_field_index1 = = -1

For unknown fields, these are the index of the field within the UnknownFieldSets.

One or the other will be -1 when reporting an addition or deletion.

class MessageDifferencer::StreamReporter: public Reporter

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

An implementation of the MessageDifferencer Reporter that outputs any differences found in human-readable form to the supplied ZeroCopyOutputStream or Printer.

If a printer is used, the delimiter must be '$'.

WARNING: this reporter does not necessarily flush its output until it is destroyed. As a result, it is not safe to assume the output is valid or complete until after you destroy the reporter. For example, if you use a StreamReporter to write to a StringOutputStream, the target string may contain uninitialized data until the reporter is destroyed.


StreamReporter(io::ZeroCopyOutputStream * output)
StreamReporter(io::Printer * printer)
delimiter '$'
set_report_modified_aggregates(bool report)
When set to true, the stream reporter will also output aggregates nodes (i.e. more...
virtual void
ReportAdded(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path)
Reports that a field has been added into Message2.
virtual void
ReportDeleted(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path)
Reports that a field has been deleted from Message1.
virtual void
ReportModified(const Message & message1, const Message & message2, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path)
Reports that the value of a field has been modified.
virtual void
ReportMoved(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that a repeated field has been moved to another location. more...
virtual void
ReportMatched(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that two fields match. more...
virtual void
ReportIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Reports that two fields would have been compared, but the comparison has been skipped because the field was marked as 'ignored' using IgnoreField(). more...
virtual void
ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(const Message & , const Message & , const std::vector< SpecificField > & )
Report that an unknown field is ignored. more...
SetMessages(const Message & message1, const Message & message2)
Messages that are being compared must be provided to StreamReporter prior to processing.
protected virtual void
PrintPath(const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path, bool left_side)
Prints the specified path of fields to the buffer.
protected virtual void
PrintValue(const Message & message, const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path, bool left_side)
Prints the value of fields to the buffer. more...
protected virtual void
PrintUnknownFieldValue(const UnknownField * unknown_field)
Prints the specified path of unknown fields to the buffer.
protected void
Print(const std::string & str)
Just print a string.
protected void
PrintMapKey(const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path, bool left_side, const SpecificField & specific_field, size_t target_field_index)
helper function for PrintPath that contains logic for printing maps

void StreamReporter::set_report_modified_aggregates(
        bool report)

When set to true, the stream reporter will also output aggregates nodes (i.e.

messages and groups) whose subfields have been modified. When false, will only report the individual subfields. Defaults to false.

virtual void StreamReporter::ReportMoved(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that a repeated field has been moved to another location.

This only applies when using TreatAsSet or TreatAsMap() – see below. Also note that for any given field, ReportModified and ReportMoved are mutually exclusive. If a field has been both moved and modified, then only ReportModified will be called.

virtual void StreamReporter::ReportMatched(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that two fields match.

Useful for doing side-by-side diffs. This function is mutually exclusive with ReportModified and ReportMoved. Note that you must call set_report_matches(true) before calling Compare to make use of this function.

virtual void StreamReporter::ReportIgnored(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Reports that two fields would have been compared, but the comparison has been skipped because the field was marked as 'ignored' using IgnoreField().

This function is mutually exclusive with all the other Report() functions.

The contract of ReportIgnored is slightly different than the other Report() functions, in that |field_path.back().index| is always equal to -1, even if the last field is repeated. This is because while the other Report() functions indicate where in a repeated field the action (Addition, Deletion, etc...) happened, when a repeated field is 'ignored', the differencer simply calls ReportIgnored on the repeated field as a whole and moves on without looking at its individual elements.

Furthermore, ReportIgnored() does not indicate whether the fields were in fact equal or not, as Compare() does not inspect these fields at all. It is up to the Reporter to decide whether the fields are equal or not (perhaps with a second call to Compare()), if it cares.

virtual void StreamReporter::ReportUnknownFieldIgnored(
        const Message & ,
        const Message & ,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & )

Report that an unknown field is ignored.

(see comment above). Note this is a different function since the last SpecificField in field path has a null field. This could break existing Reporter.

protected virtual void StreamReporter::PrintValue(
        const Message & message,
        const std::vector< SpecificField > & field_path,
        bool left_side)

Prints the value of fields to the buffer.

left_side is true if the given message is from the left side of the comparison, false if it was the right. This is relevant only to decide whether to follow unknown_field_index1 or unknown_field_index2 when an unknown field is encountered in field_path.

class MessageDifferencer::UnpackAnyField

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

Class for processing Any deserialization.

This logic is used by both the MessageDifferencer and StreamReporter classes.


UnpackAny(const Message & any, std::unique_ptr< Message > * data)
If "any" is of type google.protobuf.Any, extract its payload using DynamicMessageFactory and store in "data".

class FieldContext

#include <google/protobuf/util/message_differencer.h>
namespace google::protobuf::util

This class provides extra information to the FieldComparator::Compare function.


FieldContext(std::vector< MessageDifferencer::SpecificField > * parent_fields)
std::vector< MessageDifferencer::SpecificField > *
parent_fields() const