
JavaScript Generated Code

This page describes exactly what JavaScript code the protocol buffer compiler generates for any given protocol definition. Any differences between proto2 and proto3 generated code are highlighted. You should read the proto2 language guide and/or the proto3 language guide before reading this document.

Compiler Invocation

The protocol buffer compiler produces JavaScript output when invoked with the --js_out= command-line flag. The parameter to the --js_out= option is the directory where you want the compiler to write your JavaScript output. The exact output depends on whether you want to use Closure-style imports or CommonJS-style imports; the compiler supports both.

Note: Support for ES6-style imports is not implemented yet. Browsers can be supported by using Browserify, webpack, Closure Compiler, or similar to resolve imports at compile time.

Closure Imports

By default, the compiler generates code with Closure-style imports. If you specify a library option when running the compiler, the compiler creates a single .js file with your specified library name. Otherwise the compiler generates a .js file for each message in your .proto file. The names of the output files are computed by taking the library value or message name (lowercased), with the following changes.

So, for example, let’s say you invoke the compiler as follows:

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-js=/path/to/protobuf-javascript/bazel-bin/generator/protoc-gen-js --proto_path=src --js_out=library=whizz/ponycopter,binary:build/gen src/foo.proto src/bar/baz.proto

The compiler will read the files src/foo.proto and src/bar/baz.proto and produce a single output file, build/gen/whizz/ponycopter.js. The compiler will automatically create the directory build/gen/whizz if necessary, but it will not create build or build/gen; they must already exist. The generated file(s) goog.provide() all ‘the types defined in your .proto file(s), and goog.require() many types in the core protocol buffers library and Google Closure library. Make sure that your goog.provide() / goog.require() setup can find all of your generated code, the core library .js files and the Google Closure library itself.

You should be able to import your generated types with statements like:

const message =;

CommonJS Imports

To specify that you want to use CommonJS-style imports instead of the default Closure style, you run the compiler with the import_style=commonjs option. The names of the output files are computed by taking the name of the each input .proto file and making two changes.

Note: Specifying a library option is ignored with this import style.

So, for example, let’s say you invoke the compiler as follows:

protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-js=/path/to/protobuf-javascript/bazel-bin/generator/protoc-gen-js --proto_path=src --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:build/gen src/foo.proto src/bar/baz.proto

The compiler will read the files src/foo.proto and src/bar/baz.proto and produce two output files: build/gen/foo_pb.js and build/gen/bar/baz_pb.js. The compiler will automatically create the directory build/gen/bar if necessary, but it will not create build or build/gen; they must already exist.

The generated code depends on the core runtime, which should be in a file called google-protobuf.js. If you installed protoc via npm, this file should already be built and available. If you are running from GitHub, you need to build it first by running:

PROTOC=/path/to/protoc PROTOC_INC=/path/to/proto/include gulp dist

You should be able to import your generated types with statements like:

const messages = require('./messages_pb');
const message = new messages.MyMessage();

Compiler Options

The protocol buffer compiler for JavaScript has many options to customize its output in addition to the library and import_style options mentioned above. For example:

As in the above examples, multiple options can be specified, separated by commas. You can see a complete list of available options in js_generator.h.


Packages and Closure Imports

If you are using Closure-style imports and a .proto file contains a package declaration, the generated code uses the proto’s package as part of the JavaScript namespace for your message types. For example, a proto package name of example.high_score results in a JavaScript namespace of proto.example.high_score.


Otherwise, if a .proto file does not contain a package declaration, the generated code just uses proto as the namespace for your message types, which is the root of the protocol buffers namespace.

Packages and CommonJS Imports

If you are using CommonJS-style imports, any package declarations in your .proto files are ignored by the compiler.


Given a simple message declaration:

message Foo {}

the protocol buffer compiler generates a class called Foo. Foo inherits from jspb.Message.

You should not create your own Foo subclasses. Generated classes are not designed for subclassing and may lead to “fragile base class” problems.

Your generated class has accessors for all its fields (which we’ll look at in the following sections) and the following methods that apply to the entire message:

The following methods are also provided if you have enabled the binary option when generating your code:


The protocol buffer compiler generates accessors for each field in your protocol buffer message. The exact accessors depend on its type and whether it is a singular, repeated, map, or oneof field.

Note that the generated accessors always use camel-case naming, even if the field name in the .proto file uses lower-case with underscores (as it should). The case-conversion works as follows:

The proto field foo_bar_baz has, for example, a getFooBarBaz() method.

Singular Scalar Fields (proto2)

For either of these field definitions:

optional int32 foo = 1;
required int32 foo = 1;

the compiler generates the following instance methods:

Similar methods are generated for any of protocol buffers’ scalar types.

Singular Scalar Fields (proto3)

For this field definition:

int32 foo = 1;

the compiler generates the following instance methods:

Similar methods are generated for any of protocol buffers’ scalar types.

Bytes Fields

For this field definition:

bytes foo = 1;

the compiler generates the same methods as for other scalar value types. The set.. method accepts either a base-64 encoded string or a Uint8Array. The get.. method returns whichever representation was set last. However, there are also special methods generated that allow you to coerce the returned representation to your preferred version:

Singular Message Fields

Given the message type:

message Bar {}

For a message with a Bar field:

// proto2
message Baz {
  optional Bar foo = 1;
  // The generated code is the same result if required instead of optional.

// proto3
message Baz {
  Bar foo = 1;

the compiler generates the following instance methods:

Repeated Fields

For this message with a repeated field:

message Baz {
  repeated int32 foo = 1;

the compiler generates the following instance methods:

Map Fields

For this message with a map field:

message Bar {}

message Baz {
  map<string, Bar> foo = 1;

the compiler generates the following instance method:

Oneof Fields

For this message with a oneof field:

package account;

message Profile {
  oneof avatar {
    string image_url = 1;
    bytes image_data = 2;

The class corresponding to Profile will have accessor methods just like regular fields (getImageUrl(), getImageData()). However, unlike regular fields, at most one of the fields in a oneof can be set at a time, so setting one field will clear the others. Also note that if you are using proto3, the compiler generates has.. and clear.. accessors for oneof fields, even for scalar types.

In addition to the regular accessor methods, the compiler generates a special method to check which field in the oneof is set: for our example, the method is getAvatarCase(). The possible return values for this are defined in the AvatarCase enum:

proto.account.Profile.AvatarCase = {


Given an enumeration like:

message SearchRequest {
  enum Corpus {
    UNIVERSAL = 0;
    WEB = 1;
    IMAGES = 2;
    LOCAL = 3;
    NEWS = 4;
    PRODUCTS = 5;
    VIDEO = 6;
  Corpus corpus = 1;

the protocol buffer compiler generates a corresponding JavaScript enum.

proto.SearchRequest.Corpus = {
  WEB: 1,
  IMAGES: 2,
  LOCAL: 3,
  NEWS: 4,
  VIDEO: 6

The compiler also generates getters and setters for enum fields, just like regular singular scalar fields. Note that in proto3, you can set an enum field to any value. In proto2, you should provide one of the specified enum values.


Given an Any field like this:

import "google/protobuf/any.proto";

package foo;

message Bar {}

message ErrorStatus {
  string message = 1;
  google.protobuf.Any details = 2;

In our generated code, the getter for the details field returns an instance of This provides the following special methods:

 * Returns the fully qualified proto name of the packed message, if any.
 * @return {string|undefined}
 * Packs the given message instance into this Any.
 * @param {!Uint8Array} serialized The serialized data to pack.
 * @param {string} name The fully qualified proto name of the packed message.
 * @param {string=} opt_typeUrlPrefix the type URL prefix.
 * @template T
 * Unpacks this Any into the given message object.
 * @param {function(Uint8Array):T} deserialize Function that will deserialize
 *     the binary data properly.
 * @param {string} name The expected type name of this message object.
 * @return {?T} If the name matched the expected name, returns the deserialized
 *     object, otherwise returns null.


// Storing an arbitrary message type in Any.
const status = new;
const any = new Any();
const binarySerialized = ...;
any.pack(binarySerialized, 'foo.Bar');
console.log(any.getTypeName());  // foo.Bar
// Reading an arbitrary message from Any.
const bar = any.unpack(, 'foo.Bar');