Extension Declarations

Describes in detail what extension declarations are, why we need them, and how we use them.


This page describes in detail what extension declarations are, why we need them, and how we use them.

If you need an introduction to extensions, read this extensions guide


Extension declarations aim to strike a happy medium between regular fields and extensions. Like extensions, they avoid creating a dependency on the message type of the field, which therefore results in a leaner build graph and smaller binaries in environments where unused messages are difficult or impossible to strip. Like regular fields, the field name/number appear in the enclosing message, which makes it easier to avoid conflicts and see a convenient listing of what fields are declared.

Listing the occupied extension numbers with extension declarations makes it easier for users to pick an available extension number and to avoid conflicts.


Extension declarations are an option of extension ranges. Like forward declarations in C++, you can declare the field type, field name, and cardinality (singular or repeated) of an extension field without importing the .proto file containing the full extension definition:

edition = "2023"; message Foo { extensions 4 to 1000 [ declaration = { number: 4, full_name: ".my.package.event_annotations", type: ".logs.proto.ValidationAnnotations", repeated: true }, declaration = { number: 999, full_name: ".foo.package.bar", type: "int32"}]; }

This syntax has the following semantics:

  • Multiple declarations with distinct extension numbers can be defined in a single extension range if the size of the range allows.
  • If there is any declaration for the extension range, all extensions of the range must also be declared. This prevents non-declared extensions from being added, and enforces that any new extensions use declarations for the range.
  • The given message type (.logs.proto.ValidationAnnotations) does not need to have been previously defined or imported. We check only that it is a valid name that could potentially be defined in another .proto file.
  • When this or another .proto file defines an extension of this message (Foo) with this name or number, we enforce that the number, type, and full name of the extension match what is forward-declared here.

The extension declarations expect two extension fields with different packages:

package my.package; extend Foo { repeated logs.proto.ValidationAnnotations event_annotations = 4; }
package foo.package; extend Foo { optional int32 bar = 999; }

Reserved Declarations

An extension declaration can be marked reserved: true to indicate that it is no longer actively used and the extension definition has been deleted. Do not delete the extension declaration or edit its type or full_name value.

This reserved tag is separate from the reserved keyword for regular fields and does not require breaking up the extension range.

edition = "2023"; message Foo { extensions 4 to 1000 [ declaration = { number: 500, full_name: ".my.package.event_annotations", type: ".logs.proto.ValidationAnnotations", reserved: true }]; }

An extension field definition using a number that is reserved in the declaration will fail to compile.

Representation in descriptor.proto

Extension declaration is represented in descriptor.proto as fields in proto2.ExtensionRangeOptions:

message ExtensionRangeOptions { message Declaration { optional int32 number = 1; optional string full_name = 2; optional string type = 3; optional bool reserved = 5; optional bool repeated = 6; } repeated Declaration declaration = 2; }

Reflection Field Lookup

Extension declarations are not returned from the normal field lookup functions like Descriptor::FindFieldByName() or Descriptor::FindFieldByNumber(). Like extensions, they are discoverable by extension lookup routines like DescriptorPool::FindExtensionByName(). This is an explicit choice that reflects the fact that declarations are not definitions and do not have enough information to return a full FieldDescriptor.

Declared extensions still behave like regular extensions from the perspective of TextFormat and JSON. It also means that migrating an existing field to a declared extension will require first migrating any reflective use of that field.

Use Extension Declarations to Allocate Numbers

Extensions use field numbers just like ordinary fields do, so it is important for each extension to be assigned a number that is unique within the parent message. We recommend using extension declarations to declare the field number and type for each extension in the parent message. The extension declarations serve as a registry of all the parent message’s extensions, and protoc will enforce that there are no field number conflicts. When you add a new extension, choose the next available number usually by just incrementing by one the previously added extension number.

TIP: There is a special guidance for MessageSet which provides a script to help pick the next available number.

Whenever you delete an extension, make sure to mark the field number reserved to eliminate the risk of accidentally reusing it.

This convention is only a recommendation–the protobuf team does not have the ability or desire to force anyone to adhere to it for every extendable message. If you as the owner of an extendable proto do not want to coordinate extension numbers through extension declarations, you can choose to provide coordination through other means. Be very careful, though, because accidental reuse of an extension number can cause serious problems.

One way to sidestep the issue would be to avoid extensions entirely and use google.protobuf.Any instead. This could be a good choice for APIs that front storage or for pass-through systems where the client cares about the contents of the proto but the system receiving it does not.

Consequences of Reusing an Extension Number

An extension is a field defined outside the container message; usually in a separate .proto file. This distribution of definitions makes it easy for two developers to accidentally create different definitions for the same extension field number.

The consequences of changing an extension definition are the same for extensions and standard fields. Reusing a field number introduces an ambiguity in how a proto should be decoded from the wire format. The protobuf wire format is lean and doesn’t provide a good way to detect fields encoded using one definition and decoded using another.

This ambiguity can manifest in a short time frame, such as a client using one extension definition and a server using another communicating .

This ambiguity can also manifest over a longer time frame, such as storing data encoded using one extension definition and later retrieving and decoding using the second extension definition. This long-term case can be difficult to diagnose if the first extension definition was deleted after the data was encoded and stored.

The outcome of this can be:

  1. A parse error (best case scenario).
  2. Leaked PII / SPII – if PII or SPII is written using one extension definition and read using another extension definition.
  3. Data Corruption – if data is read using the “wrong” definition, modified and rewritten.

Data definition ambiguity is almost certainly going to cost someone time for debugging at a minimum. It could also cause data leaks or corruption that takes months to clean up.

Usage Tips

Never Delete an Extension Declaration

Deleting an extension declaration opens the door to accidental reuse in the future. If the extension is no longer processed and the definition is deleted, the extension declaration can be marked reserved.

Never Use a Field Name or Number from the reserved List for a New Extension Declaration

Reserved numbers may have been used for fields or other extensions in the past.

Using the full_name of a reserved field is not recommended due to the possibility of ambiguity when using textproto.

Never change the type of an existing extension declaration

Changing the extension field’s type can result in data corruption.

If the extension field is of an enum or message type, and that enum or message type is being renamed, updating the declaration name is required and safe. To avoid breakages, the update of the type, the extension field definition, and extension declaration should all happen in a single commit.

Use Caution When Renaming an Extension Field

While renaming an extension field is fine for the wire format, it can break JSON and TextFormat parsing.