Proto Best Practices

Shares vetted best practices for authoring Protocol Buffers.

Clients and servers are never updated at exactly the same time - even when you try to update them at the same time. One or the other may get rolled back. Don’t assume that you can make a breaking change and it’ll be okay because the client and server are in sync.

Don’t Re-use a Tag Number

Never re-use a tag number. It messes up deserialization. Even if you think no one is using the field, don’t re-use a tag number. If the change was live ever, there could be serialized versions of your proto in a log somewhere. Or there could be old code in another server that will break.

Do Reserve Tag Numbers for Deleted Fields

When you delete a field that’s no longer used, reserve its tag number so that no one accidentally re-uses it in the future. Just reserved 2, 3; is enough. No type required (lets you trim dependencies!). You can also reserve names to avoid recycling now-deleted field names: reserved "foo", "bar";.

Do Reserve Numbers for Deleted Enum Values

When you delete an enum value that’s no longer used, reserve its number so that no one accidentally re-uses it in the future. Just reserved 2, 3; is enough. You can also reserve names to avoid recycling now-deleted value names: reserved "FOO", "BAR";.

Don’t Change the Type of a Field

Almost never change the type of a field; it’ll mess up deserialization, same as re-using a tag number. The protobuf docs outline a small number of cases that are okay (for example, going between int32, uint32, int64 and bool). However, changing a field’s message type will break unless the new message is a superset of the old one.

Don’t Add a Required Field

Never add a required field, instead add // required to document the API contract. Required fields are considered harmful by so many they were removed from proto3 completely. Make all fields optional or repeated. You never know how long a message type is going to last and whether someone will be forced to fill in your required field with an empty string or zero in four years when it’s no longer logically required but the proto still says it is.

For proto3 there are no required fields, so this advice does not apply.

Don’t Make a Message with Lots of Fields

Don’t make a message with “lots” (think: hundreds) of fields. In C++ every field adds roughly 65 bits to the in-memory object size whether it’s populated or not (8 bytes for the pointer and, if the field is declared as optional, another bit in a bitfield that keeps track of whether the field is set). When your proto grows too large, the generated code may not even compile (for example, in Java there is a hard limit on the size of a method ).

Do Include an Unspecified Value in an Enum

Enums should include a default FOO_UNSPECIFIED value as the first value in the declaration . When new values are added to a proto2 enum, old clients will see the field as unset and the getter will return the default value or the first-declared value if no default exists . For consistent behavior with proto enums, the first declared enum value should be a default FOO_UNSPECIFIED value and should use tag 0. It may be tempting to declare this default as a semantically meaningful value but as a general rule, do not, to aid in the evolution of your protocol as new enum values are added over time. All enum values declared under a container message are in the same C++ namespace, so prefix the unspecified value with the enum’s name to avoid compilation errors. If you’ll never need cross-language constants, an int32 will preserve unknown values and generates less code. Note that proto enums require the first value to be zero and can round-trip (deserialize, serialize) an unknown enum value.

Don’t Use C/C++ Macro Constants for Enum Values

Using words that have already been defined by the C++ language - specifically, in its headers such as math.h, may cause compilation errors if the #include statement for one of those headers appears before the one for .proto.h. Avoid using macro constants such as “NULL,” “NAN,” and “DOMAIN” as enum values.

Do Use Well-Known Types and Common Types

Using the following common, shared types is strongly encouraged. E.g., do not use int32 timestamp_seconds_since_epoch or int64 timeout_millis in your code when a perfectly suitable common type already exists!

  • duration is a signed, fixed-length span of time (for example, 42s).
  • timestamp is a point in time independent of any time zone or calendar (for example, 2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z).
  • interval is a time interval independent of time zone or calendar (for example, 2017-01-15T01:30:15.01Z - 2017-01-16T02:30:15.01Z).
  • date is a whole calendar date (for example, 2005-09-19).
  • month is a month of year (for example, April).
  • dayofweek is a day of week (for example, Monday).
  • timeofday is a time of day (for example, 10:42:23).
  • field_mask is a set of symbolic field paths (for example, f.b.d).
  • postal_address is a postal address (for example, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043 USA).
  • money is an amount of money with its currency type (for example, 42 USD).
  • latlng is a latitude/longitude pair (for example, 37.386051 latitude and -122.083855 longitude).
  • color is a color in the RGBA color space.

Do Define Message Types in Separate Files

When defining a proto schema, you should have a single message, enum, extension, service, or group of cyclic dependencies per file. This makes refactoring easier. Moving files when they’re separated is much easier than extracting messages from a file with other messages. Following this practice also helps to keep the proto schema files smaller, which enhances maintainability.

If they will be widely used outside of your project, consider putting them in their own file with no dependencies. Then it’s easy for anyone to use those types without introducing the transitive dependencies in your other proto files.

For more on this topic, see 1-1-1 Rule.

Don’t Change the Default Value of a Field

Almost never change the default value of a proto field. This causes version skew between clients and servers. A client reading an unset value will see a different result than a server reading the same unset value when their builds straddle the proto change. Proto3 removed the ability to set default values.

Don’t Go from Repeated to Scalar

Although it won’t cause crashes, you’ll lose data. For JSON, a mismatch in repeatedness will lose the whole message. For numeric proto3 fields and proto2 packed fields, going from repeated to scalar will lose all data in that field. For non-numeric proto3 fields and un-annotated proto2 fields, going from repeated to scalar will result in the last deserialized value “winning.”

Going from scalar to repeated is OK in proto2 and in proto3 with [packed=false] because for binary serialization the scalar value becomes a one-element list .

Do Follow the Style Guide for Generated Code

Proto generated code is referred to in normal code. Ensure that options in .proto file do not result in generation of code which violate the style guide. For example:

Don’t use Text Format Messages for Interchange

Text-based serialization formats like text format and JSON represent fields and enum values as strings. As a result, deserialization of protocol buffers in these formats using old code will fail when a field or enum value is renamed, or when a new field or enum value or extension is added. Use binary serialization when possible for data interchange, and use text format for human editing and debugging only.

If you use protos converted to JSON in your API or for storing data, you may not be able to safely rename fields or enums at all.

Never Rely on Serialization Stability Across Builds

The stability of proto serialization is not guaranteed across binaries or across builds of the same binary. Do not rely on it when, for example, building cache keys.

Don’t Generate Java Protos in the Same Java Package as Other Code

Generate Java proto sources into a separate package from your hand-written Java sources. The package, java_package and java_alt_api_package options control where the generated Java sources are emitted. Make sure hand-written Java source code does not also live in that same package. A common practice is to generate your protos into a proto subpackage in your project that only contains those protos (that is, no hand-written source code).

Avoid Using Language Keywords for Field Names

If the name of a message, field, enum, or enum value is a keyword in the language that reads from/writes to that field, then protobuf may change the field name, and may have different ways to access them than normal fields. For example, see this warning about Python.

You should also avoid using keywords in your file paths, as this can also cause problems.


API Best Practices

This document lists only changes that are extremely likely to cause breakage. For higher-level guidance on how to craft proto APIs that grow gracefully see API Best Practices.