Changes Announced on June 26, 2024

Changes announced for Protocol Buffers on June 26, 2024.

Dropping Support for Building Protobuf Java from Source with Maven

We are planning to drop support for building Protobuf Java OSS from source with the Maven build system in the Protobuf Java 4.28 release. This has been marked deprecated in the 4.27 release.

After this point, you can continue to use Bazel, or another build system, to build Protobuf. You can read more about building from source in the Protobuf Java README.

This change may impact Protobuf Java contributors that build protobuf from source. It does not impact the majority of users that uses the precompiled protobuf-java or protobuf-javalite artifacts from a repository. Note specifically that we do not plan to stop supporting the ability to compile gencode with Maven, and we plan to continue to make prebuilt artifacts available in the Maven Central repository.