Changes Announced on July 6, 2023

Changes announced for Protocol Buffers on July 6, 2023.

Dropping PHP 7.x Support

As per our official PHP support policy, we will be dropping support for PHP 7.4 and lower. This means the minimum supported PHP version is 8.0.

If you are running an older version of PHP, you can install a previous release of the protobuf PHP extension by running pecl install protobuf-3.23.3.

Dropping Ruby 2.6 Support

As per our official Ruby support policy, we will be dropping support for Ruby 2.6 and lower. This means the minimum supported Ruby version is 2.7.

Dropping Python 3.7 Support

As per our official Python support policy, we will be dropping support for Python 3.7 and lower. This means the minimum supported Python version is 3.8.